

We’ve all been there. We create a space with a specific purpose in mind.

And it works… for a while.

And it’s great… until it isn’t.

As our lives unfold, our circumstances change, and we evolve and grow.

Sometimes we outgrow our spaces, especially when we have children. A space that we’ve created, with the best of intentions, may no longer serve our needs or the needs of our family.

And that’s okay…

Because we can’t stay in the same place and time forever.

It just doesn’t work like that.

The visions and expectations for our spaces shift as we grow.

This client, (an amazing mom), had nothing but the best of intentions for her children, their space, and her family. When her daughter came home with her first ribbons and trophies, of course she was going to display them proudly!

Flash forward 15 years and two boys later, the what-was-once-supposed-to-be-an-amazing playroom outgrew its original intention and was no longer serving its purpose.


This space had now become a source of stress and anxiety. It was no longer what she had originally intended it to be. She felt overwhelmed with where to begin and what to do with all “the stuff.”

From the moment I first entered the space, I could see and feel how much her family meant to her. I also realized that certain items, which were personally important to her, had been hidden away in other spaces that she couldn’t easily access. It was obvious and important from the beginning that we needed to incorporate a space that could be just hers. A space that would support her to be her best self.

Before we began the transformation, I asked her a simple question, “What is your motivation for this space?”

She responded, “I want a space that my kids (now teenagers and one in college) will want to spend time in with their friends. I want a space that I can call my own that will invite and encourage me to spend more time being creative and doing more of what I love.”


As her organizer, I was honored to work on this project alongside her! I am proud of the decisions she made in staying true to her motivation throughout the entire process. We worked through some tough decisions but also had tons of fun along the way. We found homes for many of the items the children had outgrown that others were thrilled to receive. We made it a priority to honor family heirlooms and mementos in a way they would continue to be respected, honored, and appreciated.

She now has the space she envisioned for herself and her family.

I LOVED assisting her in transforming her space and manifesting her motivation into her reality.


Clearing the Clutter